Growing tobacco in Argentina

Rows of green tobacco plants in Argentinian soil

Argentina’s tobacco industry is a world of untold stories, each leaf bearing the promise of an extraordinary journey. From the unique Argentinian soil, nurtured by ideal climate conditions, grow the finest tobacco plants, their leaves destined for the creation of exquisite products.

Argentina’s Tobacco Heritage

Argentina’s relationship with tobacco is as deep as its roots.


Dating back to the colonial era, tobacco cultivation has been a vital part of Argentina’s agricultural sector. Native to the Americas, the tobacco plant was quickly adopted by the early settlers and swiftly woven into the fabric of Argentinian culture.

Cultural Impact

Over the years, this humble plant has made its way into the hearts of the Argentinian people, not merely as an economic commodity, but also as a symbol of tradition and heritage.

The Argentinian Terroir

What makes Argentina so well-suited for tobacco cultivation? The secret lies in the terroir.


Argentina’s climate varies across the country, providing the perfect blend of sunlight, temperature, and rainfall that tobacco plants crave.


Just as important as the climate is the soil. Argentina’s rich, fertile soils, supplemented by the natural irrigation of the Andean meltwater, offer a nourishing environment for the tobacco plant to thrive.

The Planting Process

Growing tobacco is an art form in Argentina, one that starts with the selection of seeds.

Seed Selection

The first step in the process is selecting the right seeds. These seeds are often chosen for their genetic traits that offer resilience to pests and diseases and for their ability to produce high-quality leaves.

Seed Sowing

The seeds are then sown in specially prepared seedbeds. Under careful supervision, they’re nurtured until they’re ready to be transplanted to the field.

Field Transfer

Transferring the young seedlings to the field is a crucial step. Done by hand, this process requires a lot of attention to ensure that the delicate seedlings aren’t damaged.

The Harvesting Stage

Harvesting is where the grower’s skill and knowledge truly shine.

Harvesting Techniques

The leaves aren’t all harvested at once. Instead, they’re picked in stages, usually from the bottom up, as each leaf ripens.

Leaf Quality

The quality of the leaf is determined at this stage. Each leaf is carefully examined for its color, size, and texture, and then sorted accordingly.

Post-Harvest Processes

Post-harvest, the leaves undergo various processes to transform them from raw product into a valuable commodity.


First, the leaves are cured, a process that involves drying the leaves to reduce their moisture content while also allowing for chemical changes that enhance flavor and aroma.


Next, the leaves are fermented, a process that further develops the leaves’ natural flavors and reduces their nicotine content.


Finally, the leaves are aged, a process that can last from a few months to several years. During this time, the flavors continue to mature and mellow, further enhancing the quality of the final product.

From Leaf to Final Product

It’s here that the magic truly happens.

Argentinian Tobacco Beyond Cigars

While cigars are a significant part of the Argentinian tobacco story, the leaves are also used in other products such as cigarettes and pipe tobacco.

Challenges and Solutions in Argentinian Tobacco Cultivation

While growing tobacco in Argentina offers many benefits, it isn’t without its challenges.

Labor Intensive

Tobacco cultivation is labor-intensive, requiring a significant workforce for planting, harvesting, and processing.

Weather Conditions

Climate conditions can also pose challenges, with adverse weather potentially damaging crops. However, the use of technology in predicting weather patterns has helped farmers navigate these challenges.

The Future of Tobacco in Argentina

With its rich history and ideal conditions, the future of tobacco cultivation in Argentina looks promising. With continual advancements in technology and sustainable farming practices, Argentina will continue to be a significant player in the global tobacco industry.


Growing tobacco in Argentina is an intricate blend of tradition, skill, and science. From seed to cigar, each step is meticulously crafted to ensure the highest quality product. It’s a testament to Argentina’s agricultural prowess and a tradition that will undoubtedly continue to thrive in the years to come.


Who are the main producers of tobacco in Argentina?

The main producers of tobacco in Argentina are small and medium-sized farmers, who grow this crop on their family-owned lands. They often work in cooperatives to pool resources and share knowledge.

What types of tobacco are grown in Argentina?

The primary types of tobacco grown in Argentina are Virginia and Burley, which are used for cigarettes, and Criollo and Corojo, used for cigars.

Where is tobacco mainly grown in Argentina?

Tobacco is mainly grown in the Northwestern provinces of Jujuy, Salta, and Catamarca in Argentina.

Why is Argentina suitable for growing tobacco?

Argentina’s suitability for growing tobacco comes from its temperate climate, fertile soils, and traditional knowledge passed down through generations.

How is tobacco cultivated in Argentina?

Tobacco in Argentina is cultivated through a meticulous process that involves selecting the right seeds, sowing them in specially prepared seedbeds, transferring them to the field, harvesting the leaves in stages, and then curing, fermenting, and aging the leaves.

Is tobacco a significant export for Argentina?

Yes, tobacco is a significant export for Argentina, with the country being one of the top ten tobacco-exporting countries in the world.

Can anyone grow tobacco in Argentina?

In theory, anyone can grow tobacco in Argentina, but it requires specific knowledge, skills, and conditions. Furthermore, tobacco cultivation is regulated by the government, and one needs a license to do so.

Does Argentina use traditional methods for growing tobacco?

Yes, Argentina combines traditional methods with modern techniques to grow tobacco. This blend of old and new ensures high-quality tobacco while keeping up with modern efficiency standards.

Will Argentina continue to grow tobacco in the future?

Given the country’s historical, cultural, and economic ties with tobacco, it is likely that Argentina will continue to grow tobacco in the future.


  1. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. (2022). Cultivo del tabaco. INTA.
  2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2022). Tobacco statistics. FAO.
  3. Davis D.L., & Nielsen M.T. (1999). Tobacco: Production, Chemistry, and Technology. Blackwell Science Ltd.
  4. Proctor, R. N. (2011). Golden Holocaust: Origins of the Cigarette Catastrophe and the Case for Abolition. University of California Press.
  5. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. (2022). Tabaco. INTA.
  6. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2022). Country Fact Sheet on Food and Agriculture Policymaking: Argentina. FAO.